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Is life a tragedy?

U.24 / Proclamation

In life, we are faced with the conflict between the reality of life and our hope in a happy ending to the story. But there’s good news!


Why do Catholics pray for the dead?

U.24 / Connection

Even if our loved ones are on their way to heaven, they probably weren’t perfect. Purgatory is the last purification we go through before entering heaven, so that we can…


Why are mementos so important to us?

U.23 / Proclamation

Humans are physical beings and spiritual beings. We seem to need physical things, signs, to be imbued with spiritual significance to help us on our journey.


What are sacramentals?

U.23 / Explanation

The Church has instituted sacramentals — through which God showers us with grace and prepares us to receive the sacraments. There are three main “types” of sacramentals: blessings, consecrations and…
